Id솔레 어 카지노tity

The Value Created by 솔레 어 카지노

d symbolizes the diversity that architecture and architect should hold and A does its harmonization.
솔레 어 카지노 means 솔레 어 카지노’s own way that discovers the new value from them.

We aredesigners.

  • designers

    We design with our own philosophy and viewpoint.
  • differ솔레 어 카지노ce

    Among these diversities, we seek the new pot솔레 어 카지노tials,
  • dream

    to design the integrative solution that everyone dreams.

our origin and future.

  • Architecture

    We would like to do architectures
  • Associates

    We gathered
  • Another Possibility

    and found the new possibility.
솔레 어 카지노

Clear Space

The space surround by the logo is the minimum margin to maintain the optimum state of legibility and attractiv솔레 어 카지노ess.

솔레 어 카지노

Color Palette

Dedicated colors can be used in multiple visual aides.
All the materials are determined with the stan솔레 어 카지노rd of Pantone colors.

Primary Color
솔레 어 카지노 black

Pantone 426 C
C0 M0 Y50 K100
R0 G0 B0

솔레 어 카지노 white

C0 M0 Y0 K0
R255 G255 B255

Secon솔레 어 카지노ry Color
솔레 어 카지노 green

Pantone 3268 C
C75 M0 Y50 K0
R8 G184 B157

솔레 어 카지노 silver

Pantone 877 C

솔레 어 카지노 gold

Pantone 8004 C
